Application design and development
Mobile apps are one of the most powerful marketing methods companies use today. The application in its general form is a program that remains on the user’s device 24 hours a day, so having an application for your products and services provides you with a golden opportunity for the user to keep seeing it whenever he or uses his smart phone.
You may be surprised if you know that in our Arab countries alone, access to the Internet through smartphones represents more than 40% of the total income. Also, 41% of online purchases are made using smartphones and mobile applications. In the coming years, it is expected that the total expenditure on marketing operations through smartphones alone in the Middle East will reach $2.8 billion.

It is known that the different operating systems on mobile phones vary between Android, IOS, and Windows Phone, and each of them has its own applications and its independent online store, which is the largest platform for launching applications of this type of operating system. For example, on IOS, there is the Apple Store, on Android, there is Google Play, and so on. Before entering the world of smartphone applications, you should determine the most important platforms on which you will launch your company's application. It follows from the programming method of the application to be compatible with different operating systems. And here comes the turn of DROPIDEA